Thursday 17 July 2008

Impressions on the SDC Training by the CSC

Time flies indeed. It seemed ages when we thought we might not survive another week of information overload after that P&Q with NEDA. Thinking about it, with the Citizens Charter looming above our heads that needs to see light 4 weeks from now, the 250th jubilee celebration of Vigan Cityhood, and other assignments in our hands, we earn the honor of being called superheroes with superpowers.

Lucky for us, it is not everyday that a Local Chief Executive sends her people to undergo the kind of training we just had. This is a very expensive training. And like Sir John said, there must be a reason... aside from the fact that we are embarking on a P&Q hoping to get ISO certification and become truly world class and attain out vision of being a highly competitive world heritage city.

Well, for learning to have taken place, there must be an impact created by the transfer of knowledge. And that we have yet to prove in the succeeding months ahead. I am sure our mayor will be expecting a lot from us. She will expect us to be better supervisors, with the city's employees under us to be more productive than they were before we had this seminar.

And that is as it should be so that the sacrifice of time, money and effort shall be worth it.

As for impressions on the 5-day training, I have noted quite a lot. First about the training, our facilitators and us, the participants. be continued..

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