Wednesday 23 July 2008

Breasts and Sex

clipped from

So are breasts sexual?

Breasts are just a part of the "whole package" that makes a woman. Obviously they are beautiful, feminine body parts, yes, but the mere looking at them in some everyday context shouldn't make men instantly think about sex.

We are not saying that men can't appreciate woman's breasts as feminine and beautiful body parts, or that man and woman can't enjoy touching each other's bodies during the intimate relationship. We are saying breasts are NOT supposed to be an immediate "turn-on", a special obsession point for men.

We're saying let breasts be like legs and hips and neck and face etc. and all the other body parts - not some almost like inanimate objects that automatically 'click men's brains' to the "turn on" mode.
The advertisements and media images play to the idea that men are supposed to be "all ready" the instant they get a flash of a breast. It's not men's fault though, if they think so, because they have been culturally conditioned to see it that way.
Yeah, what's the big deal? It's just a body part.

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