Sunday 20 July 2008

Commending a Colleague

I wrote this for Rey Misoles of Leaders' Ladder fame. He is one of the few people who inspired me to go beyond myself and discover what I was really made for. Haha, he is using it in his promotional pages for his lectures. Well, he is damn expensive.. as should be. He is after all, damn good.

“I'd like to commend Rey for being such a good speaker. In case you haven't heard him speak yet, you should! He is a simple man, using simple words in conveying his ideas. Nothing grand, you've probably heard them from some professor in college. But coming from him, the textbook you read comes alive and takes form because you know he speaks from where he came. Like what another great lecturer in entrepreneurship said, "you can't fake it." He's real. I went out of the way to find out--what's he like, how he sounds--he's real! With him, learning is a wholesome experience.

Who said you can't have fun while learning? Isn't that how learning is supposed to be? For all grand concepts you haven't understood or failed to understand way back in college, he'll make it simple but well understood... and yes, appreciated.

Listening to him will make you utter the first well-uttered sigh of ..."aha..." And yes, believe
him... he's magical, literally and figuratively.”

Jo A. Haygood-Guerrero, CEO – Creative Solutions

This was my first message to Rey after I first encountered his e-zine from a classmate at the UP Open U. It must bringing him clients. He's using it to promote his Self Improvement Success Book.

Hi Rey,

Actually, I got your email address from my classmate at University of the Philippines - "Open U" Curriculum. She shared the readings on leadership and personal effectiveness to the class. It so happened that my consultancy client needs some enlightenment on human resource issues and I thought that that reading was what she needed exactly. I guess it is what you would call 'the universe conspiring so that things will fall into place.' That sort of thing . . .

My consultancy firm is called CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. I deal with training and seminars on various subjects my clients may require. I scout for talented speakers to lecture, if the subject area is not within my expertise (I am a Sociology graduate from UP-Diliman, Philippines). I do consulting, in both education and business areas - thesis, term papers, dissertations, and others,
the list is endless. I believe in doing things right.

I liked your article which made me subscribe to your ezine. It is easy to read, naked of technical terms that make understanding obscured.

By the way, are you Filipino?

Jo Haygood-Guerrero, CEO - Creative Solutions

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